Organisations and associations

GRI indicators:

PKN ORLEN's representatives participate in a number of various organisations and associations. Membership of these bodies is a vital component of PKN ORLEN's presence on the Polish and European economic and social arena.

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Being part of these organisations and associations, PKN ORLEN has access to knowledge and information about draft regulations for the fuel and power sectors in Poland and Europe, can easily learn about technical solutions and findings of research carried out in other countries, and has an opportunity to share its knowledge and gain new experience. Through its active participation in these organisations, in particular those that bring together employers or promote CSR ideas, PKN ORLEN builds stable relations with its environment.

Organisations and associations of strategic relevance to the ORLEN Group are those which bring together and represent the entire refining, petrochemical and energy industry in Poland and Europe. They represent the industry before public administration and international bodies. One of the key organisations in Poland is the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PIPC), of which PKN ORLEN, ANWIL and ORLEN Eko are active members. Representatives of the ORLEN Group sit on a number of PIPC committees, including: the International Trade Policy Committee, the Transport and Distribution Committee, the Tax Committee, the Sustainable Development Committee, the Technical Committee, the Polymer Materials Committee, the Innovation Committee, the Energy and Climate Committee, the Environmental Protection Committee, the OHS Committee and the Fire Safety Committee. PKN ORLEN has also joined some European organisations of high importance to the industry, including the European Petroleum Refiners Association, in which the Company is among the seven largest members and is thus entitled to a permanent place on its Management Board.

Organisations and associations of which PKN ORLEN was a member in 2019

Polish organisations

Federacja Przedsiębiorców Polskich (Polish Entrepreneurs Federation) 
Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu (Responsible Business Forum)
Izba Energetyki Przemysłowej i Odbiorców Energii (Polish Chamber of Industrial Power and Energy Consumers) 
Klub Polskich Laboratoriów Badawczych POLLAB (POLLAB Club of Polish Research Laboratories)
Komisja Compliance przy Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych S.A. (Compliance Committee at the Warsaw Stock Exchange)
PIPC/Chemeko – Program Odpowiedzialność i Troska (Responsibility and Care Programme)
Polska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego (Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry)
Polska Organizacja Przemysłu i Handlu Naftowego (Polish Organisation of Oil Industry and Trade)
Polska Platforma Technologiczna Wodoru i Ogniw Paliwowych (Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform)
Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Izby Handlowej (ICC Poland) (Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC Poland)
Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (Polish Committee for Standardization)
Polski Narodowy Komitet Światowej Rady Naftowej (Polish National Committee of the World Petroleum Council)
Polskie Forum ISO 9000 (Polish ISO 9000 Forum)
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Energetyki Wiatrowej (the Polish Wind Energy Association)
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Paliw Alternatywnych (the Polish Alternative Fuels Association)
Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku i Opinii (Polish Association of Public Opinion and Marketing Research Firms)
Pracodawcy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Employers of Poland)
Responsible Business Forum
Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych (Polish Association of Listed Companies)
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Chemicznego (Polish Association of Chemical Engineers)
Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego i Gazowniczego (Polish Association of Oil and Gas Industry Engineers and Technicians)
Stowarzyszenie Płockich Naftowców (Association of Oil Industry Workers in Płock)
Stowarzyszenie Współpracy Przemysłu Naftowego i Samochodowego CEC Polska (Oil and Automotive Industry Association CEC Poland)
Towarzystwo Obrotu Energią (Association for Energy Trading)
Związek Przedsiębiorców i Pracodawców (Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers)

International organisations

Selected organisations and associations of which other ORLEN Group companies were members in 2019

Polish organisations

International organisations

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