How we pursue the sustainable development goals


With future generations in mind, PKN ORLEN engages in a wide range of CSR projects under internal documents adopted by the Company, including ‘CSR Strategy until 2022’ and ‘Core Values and Standards of Conduct of PKN ORLEN S.A.’, and under international sustainable development initiatives we have signed.

Our projects are consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals  announced by the United Nations and adopted by almost 200 countries, including Poland. Presented below are projects initiated or implemented by the Company in 2019, which are assigned to strategic Sustainable Development Goals for the fuel and energy industry in Poland*. The projects have been assigned to the specific SDGs by approximation, as the Sustainable Development Goals are intertwined and complement each other.  This means our projects, given their subject matter, contribute to the achievement of more than one objective at the same time. It is also worth noting that in the case of companies the level of activity – in terms of scope and capabilities – is different than that of governments of countries around the world who are signatories to the UN declaration.

SDGs key to the fuel and energy industry*:

  • PGE and PKN ORLEN join forces to promote the development of offshore wind power generation in Poland
  • PKN ORLEN is considering a project to produce innovative biofuel components
  • EV chargers at the ORLEN Group service stations in Germany
  • Strategic cooperation between PKN ORLEN and Pesa Bydgoszcz in the development of hydrogen technology
  • PKN ORLEN and the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia and Dąbrowa Basin sign a letter of intent on cooperation for the development of zero-emission hydrogen-powered public transport services
  • ORLEN Południe invests in green energy sources



  • Launch of the Free Information System
  • Grant Fund for Płock among the best projects of the past 30 years in Poland
  • ‘Learn New Road Traffic Regulations’ campaign under PKN ORLEN’s ‘#Gooddriver’ public awareness campaig
  • ‘Slow Down Near Schools’ campaign
  • Chemists’ Day and ORLEN Olympics
  • Meeting with population experts in Płock
  • PKN ORLEN buys equipment for 10 primary schools in Płock
  • Winners selected in the ‘For Płock’, ‘For Płock County’ and ‘For Eagles’ scholarship programmes
  • Second edition of ‘My Place on Earth’ programme designed with local communities in mind
  • ORLEN Paliwa provides support during the wastewater pumping effort after failure of a wastewater treatment plant in Warsaw

Additional SDGs for the fuel and energy industry*:




  • Publication of PKN ORLEN’s environmental brochure
  • Almost one million bees found home in an apiary located at the border of the PKN ORLEN production plant and the Mazowiecki Agricultural Advisory Centre in Płock
  • ‘Bees in Human Life. Biodiversity and Protection’ conference
  • A falco cherrug’s eggs from the refinery to a museum
  • ‘#GoodDriver’ (#DobryKierowca) CSR campaign
  • PKN ORLEN volunteers’ initiative in the Płock Forestry Agency
  • ‘Tree for a Bottle’ campaign
  • Pro-environmental projects at ORLEN Południe

*Source: ‘SDGs in practice. A guidebook for business’ Part 1 and Part 2 published by CSR Consulting. The SDGs of strategic importance to the fuel and energy industry were selected during workshops and research analyses exploring their impact and feasibility.

Apart from initiatives consistent with the strategic SDGs most closely related to our core business, we also pursue a host of other CSR projects focused on effective health care, promoting healthy lifestyles, combating poverty, raising awareness and reducing inequalities.

  • Health promotion project for residents of Płock and Płock county
  • Health City in Płock
  • Donation of specialist equipment to a hospital in Lipno
  • Fifth edition of Occupational Safety and Health Protection Days at the ORLEN Group
  • Anniversary ‘Race for New Life’ event
  • ORLEN Foundation’s support for Polish transplantology
  • Patients’ Day in Anin
  • PKN ORLEN supports the government-sponsored School Sports Clubs programme
  • ‘Firefighters’ Day the Sporty Way’ in Rypin
  • Free swimming lessons in Płock
  • Meeting with World Champion Paweł Korzeniowski in Płock
  • Verva Street Racing


  • PKN ORLEN as a co-host of the Polish workshop session at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York.
  • Winners selected in the ‘Volunteering Project of the Year’ competition
  • Employee volunteering project with Robert Kubica
  • Volunteering campaign in a pre-school run by the Centre for Blind Children in Laski
  • Organisation of a visit to the cinema for children from Foster Family Group Homes and the Centre for Blind Children in Laski
  • Music concert at the Centre for Blind Children in Laski
  • Second edition of the ‘BONA FIDE’ scholarship programme opens for applications
  • Winners selected in the ‘For Płock’, ‘For Płock County’ and ‘For Eagles’ scholarship programmes
  • PKN ORLEN supports students from Polish families living in the countries east of Poland – the ‘Scholarship for a Fellow Countryman’ programme
  • PKN ORLEN as a new partner of the State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRON)
  • Happy Holidays in Płock
  • Fairy Tale Children’s Day with PKN ORLEN
  • Special film screening for seniors
  • Organisation of a project for children living in Foster Family Group Homes
  • PKN ORLEN ranked among the world’s most ethical companies


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